This guide describes how to integrate N41 with Shopify Web Services. It is written for the N41 user who uses N41 to manage Shopify services. It describes how to publish styles and customers in N41 to Shopify and how to import orders in Shopify to N41 using Shopify API (Application Programming Interface).
Integration covers four data flows - customer, style, inventory, and order.
Data flow of style and customer can be initiated by user request.
Data flow of inventory and order can be initiated by job scheduler.
Contact N41 support at
Shopify API resources at
Ask questions to Shopify at
Follow the procedures at to generate a API key
N41 is communicating with Shopify API using internal Web Services. N41 Web Services for Shopify need to be configured in a Windows IIS server. Ask N41 technical support to setup this Web Services.
Shopify API Key and Password for private app need to be entered in the Web Services configuration.
1. Login to N41
2. Open Website manager using menu entry at “Company Setup” > “Company” > “Website”
3. Create a new website and save it
1) Click “New”
2) Select Type “Shopify”
3) Enter Web Services endpoint address created in “N41 Web Services for Shopify” step
4) Click “Save” to save website
Customers to be published should be selected/managed in N41 Customer master.
1. Login to N41
2. Open Customer Master using menu entry at “Customers” > “Customer Master” or using main toolbar button
3. Select a customer to publish
4. Publish customer using “Publish Customer to Web” tool
1) Click “Publish Customer to Web” toolbar button
2) For ‘Shopify’ website
3) Check “Publish” checkbox
4) Click “Save Attributes” button to save changes
5) Click “Publish” button to upload the customer to Shopify immediately
Styles to be published should be selected/managed in N41 style master.
5. Login to N41
6. Open Style Master using menu entry at “Style” > “Style Master” or using main toolbar button
7. Select a style to publish
8. Publish style using “Style Sync to Website” tool
1) Click “Publish style to web” toolbar button
2) Select “Shopify” in the website selection dropdown box
3) Check “Publish” checkbox
4) Click “Save Attributes” to save changes
5) Click “Publish” button to upload the style to Shopify immediately
Depending on the configuration of Web Services for Shopify, style images in N41 could be uploaded automatically to Shopify. N41 manage two style images – front, and back – by default. So, max two images can be uploaded automatically.
If you want to upload more images, you need to login to Shopify admin panel and upload images manually for each style or for each style variants.
Data flow of inventory is initiated by job scheduler. Windows “Task Scheduler” is used to schedule those jobs.
Inventory task is scheduled to run once a day in the morning by default. If you want to change the schedule, ask N41 support team.
Below is detailed process of inventory scheduler job.
1. Get the list of all styles already published or scheduled to be published
2. Get the ATS (available to sell) quantity for each style/color/size/warehouse location
3. Send calculated data in step 2 to Shopify inventory API
Data flow of order is initiated by job scheduler. Windows “Task Scheduler” is used to schedule those jobs.
Order task is scheduled to run every one hour during day time by default. If you want to change the schedule, ask N41 support team.
Below is detailed process of order scheduler job.
1. Fetch open orders using Shopify order API
2. Create N41 Sales Orders directly
Followings are changeable options. If you want to change your option or add more option, let us know.
· Style can be published single sizes units only, prepack only (default is single sizes unit)
· Style images can be uploaded or not (default is to upload)
· Style Attributes mapping
Below are default attributes mapping (N41 attribute: Shopify attribute)
- Style: Title
- Description: Description
- Category: Product Type
- Season Description: Vendor
- Style-Color-Size: SKU
- UPC: Barcode
· Customer selection for Shopify order (default is ‘a’)
a. All orders are coming to one specified customer and shipping address is created as “N41 Customer Store”
b. Shopify customer is matched to N41 customer
If no match found, new N41 customer is created