This guide describes how to integrate N41 with Joor Web Services. It is written for the N41 user who uses N41 to manage Joor services. It describes how to publish styles and customers in N41 to Joor and how to import orders in Joor to N41 using Joor API (Application Programming Interface).
Joor will create a sandbox account for your company and provide admin user and password to login to site at
Joor will provide an integration testing scenario. You’ll test each scenario using N41 and Joor sandbox website and verify that data flow is working as expected. After completing/passing testing scenario, your company is ready to launch Joor production site.
This integration covers four data flows - customer, style, inventory, and order.
Data flow of style and customer can be initiated by user request or by job scheduler.
Data flow of inventory and order can be initiated by job scheduler.
If your company have multiple divisions/brands, you have option to choose how to integrate them with Joor. You can integrate all divisions to one Joor account, or you can integrate each division to separate Joor account. N41 & Joor Integration supports integration by division.
Please reach out through the following channels for support and assistance to this Integration
Contact N41 support at
Joor API resources at
Contact Joor support at
Joor Integration support at
When Joor create a sandbox account, they will provide an API Token to N41 to activate integration.
You need to log-in to Joor sandbox and setup “Order Settings” and “Style Settings” to reflect casepacks(prepacks in N41), shipping methods, payment terms, warehouse in N41.
N41 is communicating with Joor API using internal Web Services. N41 Web Services for Joor need to be configured in a Windows IIS server. Ask N41 technical support to setup this Web Services.
Joor API Token need to be entered in the Web Services configuration.
1. Login to N41
2. Open Website manager using menu entry at “Company Setup” > “Company” > “Website”
3. Create a new website and save it
1) Click “New”
2) Select Type “Joor”
3) Enter Web Services endpoint address created in “N41 Web Services for Joor” step
4) Click “Save” to save website
Customers to be published should be selected/managed in N41 Customer master.
1. Login to N41
2. Open Customer Master using menu entry at “Customers” > “Customer Master” or using main toolbar button
3. Select a customer to publish
4. Publish customer using “Publish Customer to Web” tool
1) Click “Publish Customer to Web” toolbar button
2) For ‘Joor’ website
3) Check “Publish” checkbox
4) Click “Save Attributes” button to save changes
5) Click “Publish” button to upload the customer to Joor immediately
Styles to be published should be selected/managed in N41 style master.
5. Login to N41
6. Open Style Master using menu entry at “Style” > “Style Master” or using main toolbar button
7. Select a style to publish
8. Publish style using “Style Sync to Website” tool
1) Click “Publish style to web” toolbar button
2) Select “Joor” in the website selection dropdown box
3) Check “Publish” checkbox
4) Click “Save Attributes” to save changes
5) Click “Publish” button to upload the style to Joor immediately
6) Double-click ‘Category’ row. You can sync Joor categories to N41 and select multiple categories in the popup window.
When you update already published style, ‘Published’ checkbox should be cleared before publishing again.
1) Un-check ‘Published’ checkbox
2) Click “Save Attributes” to save changes
3) Click “Publish” button to upload the style to Joor immediately
Joor linesheets are created and updated automatically by data provided by style data flow. N41 is providing two options as linesheet criteria. First one is P.O receiving month and second one is Season.
With first option, every style is assigned to a linesheet by last P.O receiving month (e.g. ‘JULY 2018’). Styles without P.O receiving will be assigned to “Pre-Order” linesheet. If new P.O receiving is issued for a style, its linesheet will be changed to new received month.
With second option every style is assigned to a linesheet by Season selected in style master.
Depending on the configuration of Web Services for Joor, style images in N41 could be uploaded automatically to Joor. N41 manage two style images – front, and back – by default. So, max two images can be uploaded automatically.
If you want to upload more images, you need to login to Joor admin panel and upload images manually for each style. Each style can have up to 300 images. Joor recommend that image files be no larger than 2MB.
Data flow of inventory and order can be initiated by job scheduler (style, and customer also).
Windows "“Task Scheduler" is used to schedule those jobs.
Inventory task is scheduled to run once a day in the morning by default. If you want to change the schedule, ask N41 support team.
Below is detailed process of inventory scheduler job.
1. Get the list of all previously published styles or styles marked to be published (in N41 Style master)
2. Get the ATS (available to sell) quantity for each style/color/size/warehouse
3. Get the ATS quantity for each style/color/casepack/warehouse
4. Send calculated data in step 2, and 3 to Joor bulk inventory API
Order task is scheduled to run every one hour during day time by default. If you want to change the schedule, ask N41 support team.
Below is detailed process of order scheduler job.
1. Fetch open orders using Joor order API
2. Create N41 Sales Orders directly
Below is detailed process of style scheduler job.
1. Get the list of all styles already published or scheduled to be published (in N41 Style master)
2. Find styles to drop
3. Find styles to add
4. Find styles having changes in its attributes (sizes, price, MSRP, description, Season, Category, Fabric Type, Fabric Content, Web detail) since last scheduler run
5. Send selected data in step 2, 3, 4 to Joor bulk style API and style API
6. Send Front and Back images of style managed by N41
Below is detailed process of customer scheduler job.
1. Get the list of all previously published customers or styles marked to be published (in N41 Customer master)
2. Send customer data selected in step 1 to Joor bulk connection API
Followings are changeable options. If you want to change your option or add more option, let us know.
· Linesheet criteria can be ‘P.O receiving month’ or Season (default is ‘P.O receiving month)
· Style can be published prepack only, single sizes units only, or both (default is both)
· Style images can be uploaded or not (default is to upload)
· Style description: style master description, style master CI Memo, web description (default is web description)
· Style Price: MSRP, Price1, Price2, Price3, Price4, Price5, Max. of price1 ~ price5
· Style Attributes mapping
Below are default style attributes mapping (Joor attribute: N41 attribute)
- Style name: style
- Style number: style
- Style identifier: style
- Style description: Description (check above configurable options)
- Division: division
- Fabrication: Fabric Type
- Material: Fabric Content
- Silhouette: Category Description
- Price: Price1 (check above configurable options)
- Category: two options combined
o N41 style category/subcategory pair will be matched to Joor Category/Subcategory pair.
ex) Apparel/Dresses, Apparel/Jackets, etc.…
o Selections in Category manager (multiple selection)
· N41 Customer selection for Joor order
Joor customer is matched to N41 customer by default. If no match found, new N41 customer is created.
Alternatively, all Joor orders can be imported to one specific customer, and shipping address is created as “N41 Customer Store”
What is the timing of each data type export/import?
- Current default for timing: Once a day in the morning for customer, style, and inventory data types. Every one hour for order data type. Timing can be customized as customer's need.
What is the timing of each data type export/import?
- Current default for timing: Once a day in the morning for customer, style, and inventory data types. Every one hour for order data type. Timing can be customized as customer's need.
How does each data type export/import get initiated (manual trigger, action, or automated schedule)?
- Customer and style can be initiated by both manual trigger and automated schedule. Inventory and order get initiated by automated schedule.
Can orders be reimported if modified in JOOR?
- N41 order importing process check order_id for duplication. For an order to be reimported, following conditions should be met. First, previously import order should be deleted in N41. Second, 'sync' status of the order in Joor should be reset to be listed as unrequested order.
How do you handle integration error messages?
- All the API request and response are logged in the system. When error arise while running integration process, stack trace of the error is also recorded for review and bug tracking.
Do you have the ability to adjust how brands choose to split their styles (style identifiers)?
- Yes, we can adjust how to split styles.
Do you support the ability to load inventory against multiple warehouses and/or future dates in JOOR?
- Those features are already implemented in current inventory data integration.