A credit card pre-authorization is much like any other charge to a credit card, except instead of actually debiting funds from the cardholder you just put a temporary “hold” on the funds that lasts for 5~30 days. While the transaction may or may not be visible on the card holder’s statement, the available balance is reduced immediately.
When you are shipping less than you pre-authorized, you can capture/charge the pre-authorization with less amount the pre-authorized amount. The card holder’s available balance will be reflected with captured/charged amount immediately instead of pre-authorized amount.
When you don’t have any merchandize to ship after pre-authorization, you can wait without any action till the fund is available back in the card holder’s account. The challenge is that this cancelation process may take 5 to 30 days depend on the customer’s bank/credit card policy. If you want to expedite the process, you can capture/charge the pre-authorization and void the transaction. The void transaction should be reflected within 2 to 3 days.
– If the pick ticket already has invoice, go to the invoice directly.
– You can charge entire invoice amount or just $1 dollar, regardless of the amount if you void the payment then the preauthorization will cancel with your daily batch settlement.
– We do recommend charging $1 only.