- Select the SO you want to allocate by clicking the checkbox [1]
- You can edit the Allocation Qty [2]
- When you have enough OnHand Qty, you can click Check All button if you want to check all Sales Orders
- When you don't have enough OnHand but enough WIP (Open PO), you can include WIP (Open PO) qty in the allocation by clicking Include WIP [3]
- You can ingore OnHand Qty and allocate whatever you want by checking Force Alloc checkbox [4]
- When you don't have enough OnHand, you can manual select which Sales Order to allocate and change the allocation Qty; or you can allocate by using Calc% [5]
- e.g., if you want to allocate 80% for the selected Sales Order Qty, enter 80 and start selecting the Sales Order
- You can change the warehouse of the Sales Order from the dropdown [6]