1. Go to Customers [1]
Go to Receive Payment [2]
Click New [3]
2. Select “Customer”, “Division”, “Payment Method” from the dropdown
If the chosen customer has open invoices, the list of invoices will appear
Click “CREDIT” button on the invoice you want to apply Credit Memo
3. “Check” the Credit Memo you want to apply [1]
If you want to apply a portion of the Credit Memo to the invoice change “Amt To Use”
Click “Save” [2]
4. After the credit has been applied to this payment you might want to check your invoice status and the payment history.
Click “Key #” to go to the invoice.
5. The credit amount has been applied to the payment total [1]
Click the “Paid Amt” icon, Then Payment History will appear [2]
This will produce a list of all payment for the invoice
6. Optionally, you can double-click on any payment in the list to immediately open a payment within the “Receive Payments” screen.