EDI​​ Procedure​​ with​​ 3rd​​ party​​ FTP

EDI​​ Procedure​​ with​​ 3rd​​ party​​ FTP

I. Receive​​ EDI​​ Files

Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ EDI,​​ EDI​​ File​​ Manager

Click​​ “Register​​ EDI​​ file​​ from​​ Inovis


II. Create​​ and​​ Send​​ 997

N41​​ should​​ automatically​​ create​​ 997

Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ EDI,​​ EDI​​ File​​ Manager

III. Import​​ 850

  • EDI​​ Customer​​ Item#

Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ EDI,​​ Setup,​​ EDI​​ Customer​​ Item#

Find​​ the​​ Style

Select​​ the​​ Customer

Enter​​ Customer​​ Item#




b. Import​​ 850

If​​ you​​ have​​ Bulk​​ Sales​​ Order​​ already​​ entered​​ in​​ N41,​​ Make​​ sure​​ the​​ Bulk​​ Sales​​ Order​​ has​​ “Bulk”​​ checked

Select​​ the​​ file

 Click​​ Read​​ and​​ Import

 Check​​ “Bulk​​ Order​​ Check”​​ if​​ needed

 Click​​ Update​​ into​​ SO

 Select​​ the​​ Bulk​​ Sales​​ Order

 Click​​ “Close​​ Bulk​​ Selected”

IV. Create​​ Pick​​ Ticket

 Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ Customer,​​ Pick​​ Ticket

 Click​​ “Pick​​ Ticket​​ by​​ SO”

 Check​​ the​​ Sales​​ Order​​ and​​ click​​ “Select”

 Save​​ the​​ Pick​​ Ticket

 Edit​​ the​​ total​​ Quantity


V. Assign​​ BOL

 Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ Customer,​​ Assign​​ BOL​​ by​​ Pick​​ Ticket

Click​​ “New”

 Select​​ “Customer”

 Check​​ the​​ “Pick​​ Ticket”​​ and​​ Select

 Click​​ “Save”


VI. Scan​​ &​​ Pack​​ by​​ Style/Color

 Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ Customer,​​ Scan​​ &​​ Pack​​ by​​ Style/Color

Enter​​ Carton​​ &​​ Content​​ Information


VII. Print​​ UCC128


VIII. Confirm​​ BOL

 Usually,​​ this​​ takes​​ place​​ on​​ the​​ date​​ of​​ the​​ shipping

 Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ Customer,​​ Confirm​​ BOL

 Click​​ “List​​ Plan​​ BOL”

 Select​​ the​​ BOL

Click​​ “Confirm”

 Edit​​ Carrier​​ Auth#,​​ BOL​​ Date

IX. Invoice​​ by​​ BOL

 Usually,​​ this​​ takes​​ place​​ on​​ the​​ date​​ of​​ the​​ shipping

 Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ Customer,​​ Invoice

 Click​​ “Invoice​​ by​​ BOL”

 Select​​ the​​ BOL


X. Create​​ 856​​ (ASN)

 Usually,​​ this​​ takes​​ place​​ on​​ the​​ date​​ of​​ the​​ shipping

 Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ EDI,​​ EDI​​ 856​​ File​​ Sending

 Select​​ the​​ customer,​​ Select​​ the​​ BOL

 Click​​ “Retrieve”

XI. Create​​ 810​​ (Invoice)

 Usually,​​ this​​ takes​​ place​​ on​​ the​​ date​​ of​​ the​​ shipping

 Go​​ to​​ N41,​​ EDI,​​ EDI​​ 810​​ File​​ Sending

 Select​​ the​​ customer,​​ Select​​ the​​ Invoice​​ range

 Click​​ “Retrieve”

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