I. Receive EDI Files
Go to N41, EDI, EDI File Manager
Click “Register EDI file from Inovis”
II. Create and Send 997
N41 should automatically create 997
Go to N41, EDI, EDI File Manager
III. Import 850
EDI Customer Item#
Go to N41, EDI, Setup, EDI Customer Item#
Find the Style
Select the Customer
Enter Customer Item#
b. Import 850
If you have Bulk Sales Order already entered in N41, Make sure the Bulk Sales Order has “Bulk” checked
Select the file
Click “Read and Import”
Check “Bulk Order Check” if needed
Click “Update into SO”
Select the Bulk Sales Order
Click “Close Bulk Selected”
IV. Create Pick Ticket
Go to N41, Customer, Pick Ticket
Click “Pick Ticket by SO”
Check the Sales Order and click “Select”
Save the Pick Ticket
Edit the total Quantity
V. Assign BOL
Go to N41, Customer, Assign BOL by Pick Ticket
Click “New”
Select “Customer”
Check the “Pick Ticket” and Select
Click “Save”
VI. Scan & Pack by Style/Color
Go to N41, Customer, Scan & Pack by Style/Color
Enter Carton & Content Information
VII. Print UCC128
VIII. Confirm BOL
Usually, this takes place on the date of the shipping
Go to N41, Customer, Confirm BOL
Click “List Plan BOL”
Select the BOL
Click “Confirm”
Edit Carrier Auth#, BOL Date
IX. Invoice by BOL
Usually, this takes place on the date of the shipping
Go to N41, Customer, Invoice
Click “Invoice by BOL”
Select the BOL
X. Create 856 (ASN)
Usually, this takes place on the date of the shipping
Go to N41, EDI, EDI 856 File Sending
Select the customer, Select the BOL
Click “Retrieve”
XI. Create 810 (Invoice)
Usually, this takes place on the date of the shipping
Go to N41, EDI, EDI 810 File Sending
Select the customer, Select the Invoice range
Click “Retrieve”