Navigate to SO Manager | Steps |
| - Go to Customers
- Click SO Manager
- Each window has User Setting, Extend, and Shrink button
- Extend: extend window
- Shrink: shrink window
- User Setting for Filter and Layout
You can click Picture & Digital Asset to see selected style's picture on the right panel
Customer List section | This customer list has most of the functions of Customer Master. If you are not familiar with existing Customer Master screen, please refer to How to use Customer Master first. |
| Type in the customer you are looking for in the search box and press Enter or click Refresh button.
You can click Refresh button without typing any letters to bring up all the customers who have Open/Hold Sales Order.
You can click the customer and the other 2 windows information will pop up for the customer selected.
- New Customer: Create new customer
- Create SO: Create new sales order
- Customer Memo: Create customer memo if necessary
- Register Credit Card: opens Credit Card Management
- Customer SO Detail: opens Sales Order Detail List by Customer window
Open Sales Order section | This list has many of the functions of Sales Order. If you are not familiar with existing Sales Order functions, please refer to How to use Sales Order first. |
| The list of Open/Hold Sales Order for the selected customer with no Allocation nor Pick Ticket.
The selected customer's Allocation and Pick Ticket are displayed on lower windows.
- Create New SO with combining selected Sales Orders: combines multiple Sales Orders into one new Sales Order. Check Sales Orders you want to combine first, and click the button.
- Close Transactions: Closes SO, Allocation, Pick Ticket. Check transactions you want to close or cancel, and click the button
- Print
- Prink Line Sheet
- Allocate: check Sales Order
- Pick Ticket: You can create Pick Ticket for the SO
- Select All
Open Allocation Screen | This list has many of the functions of Allocation. If you are not familiar with existing Allocation functions, please refer to How to use Allocation first. |
| This list of Open Allocation the selected customer with no Pick Ticket.
Main Functions
- Create New So combing selected Allocations: Create new sales order combining selected allocation - check multiple allocation and click
- Close transactions: Close SO, Allocation, Pick Ticket - check transactions you want to close or cancel then click
- Print
- Print Line Sheet
- Email: email to the customers that their products are ready to ship out
- Email Template Body: create e-mail template body
- Create Pick Ticket with Allocation
- Select All
Open Pick Ticket Section | This list has many of the functions of Pick Ticket. If you are not familiar with existing Pick Ticket functions, please refer to How to use Pick Ticket first. |
| Main Functions
- Close Transactions: Close SO, Allocation, Pick Ticket
- New Pick Ticket: Create new Pick Ticket by Allocation
- New Pick Ticket: Create new Pick Ticket by Sales Order
- Pre-Authorization: Pre-authorization for Credit Card
- Get Tracking Number and Ship: Generate UPS label and Create Shipment